- Ceiling repair


Dear Shell,

I have a friend that has a 40 year old ceiling that has cracked and the stipple has separated from the plaster. Can I inject some glue behind the flap of plaster, heat it with a hair dryer and gently push the flap back into place ? I have a syringe and needles from Lee Valley Tools. Which kind of glue should I use ? The stipple is the earlier type which is probably just ridges of plaster. I am not sure if the "flap" is stipple or layers of paint. If the above doesn't work and the ”flap” falls off I will have to repair and paint the whole ceiling.

Thanks, Harry

Dear Harry,

Inject Weld-bond All Purpose Wood Adhesive using a syringe. Compress the surface until an even coat of Weld-bond is on both surfaces ceiling and flap (as you call it). Hold in place with push pins (thumb tacks). Leave overnight until cured.

It's just that easy.

Article courtesy of: Shell Busey

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March 12th, 2025