- Radiant Heat and an HRV plus .... Sealing a Concrete Slab


Dear Shell,

I am building a 2200 sq. ft. rancher on a slab in Maple Ridge and I am heating it with radiant floor heating (Boiler type) and I am installing HRV air. What do you think of the combo? I also need to know should I treat the floors with any kind of sealer? I am putting down a combination of wood flooring/vinyl/carpet.

With Thanks: A faithful Busey fan,


Dear Harry,

The combination of an HRV and a radiant in-floor heating system is a great choice. To seal your concrete floor, consider Aqua Seal from Cloverdale Paint. Spray it on with a low-pressure garden sprayer. Aqua Seal will seal in the alkaline. Tip: Consider applying a minimum of 1 ½” rigid polyurethane insulation under the radiant heating pipes.

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Article courtesy of: Shell Busey

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March 12th, 2025