- Painting the kitchen cupboards


Dear Shell,

I am planning on painting my kitchen cupboards. They are in great shape but I want to change the color (white). Please let me know the proper steps to take - preparation, base coat, painting, type of brush, etc. I have done a lot of painting, but never cupboards.

Thanks, Doreen

Dear Doreen,

1. Wash cabinets with my Shell Busey's Home Cleaning Formula (heavy duty mix) using a Scotch Brite scrub pad.

2. Rinse well with clean water and allow to dry.

3. Prime cabinets with fast dry alkyd primer use a pure bristle brush.

4. Apply 2 coats of Melamine paint white (any brand) using a pure bristle brush and Whizz knap roller. Coats should be 18 hours apart.

It's just that easy.

Article courtesy of: Shell Busey

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March 12th, 2025