- Removing and replacing the kitchen carpet


Dear Shell,

We are replacing kitchen carpet and are considering cork. We are concerned about wearability, as we have two dogs. Also how do we remove the old carpet, which is commercial grade with a rubberized web backing ? We are not sure, but think it was glued down.

Thanks, Yvonne

Dear Yvonne,

Remove the old carpet by first pulling off the top surface. Purchase the product Foam Off made by Bio Wash. Call 1-800-858-5011 for availability in your area. Pour the Foam Off onto the backing that is stuck to the floor and roll in with a paint roller. Let sit 20 –30 minutes and scrape off with a metal spackling knife. Cork flooring is a great product, hard - wearing and comfortable for standing.

It's just that easy.

Article courtesy of: Shell Busey

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March 12th, 2025