- A tool to secure your floor without lifting the carpet


Dear Shell,

Being a new listener to you radio show on CKNW and a NEW, first-time homeowner I find your show very interesting. Of course the only time I don't tune in I miss a critical piece of info. I heard via a friend, on your radio show you covered a new tool that is available that allows one to secure his floor with screws without lifting his carpet. This bit allows you to install screws right through your carpet. Is this true ? If so who is the manufacturer of the drill bit and what is it called ? or do you have a part number ? I am now a regular listener and by the way, the Shell Busey Cleaning Formula works wonders!!! Two thumbs up !!!!

Thanks, Chris

Dear Chris,

The product you are looking for is called “Squeak No More”. It is available from Build-It Marketing in Surrey, BC. Phone: (604)-542-2236 or toll-free 1-888-266-8806.

It's just that easy.

Article courtesy of: Shell Busey

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March 12th, 2025