- Servicing the chimney/furnace replacement


Dear Shell,

Our furnace was replaced 16 years ago and when they came out for the recent servicing they found a crack in the heat exchanger and said it should be replaced. I have called two companies and one said the chimney needs to be lined and one did not mention that. The house is an old one circa 1929 and this has not been done to my knowledge. I would like to know if I have been given the right advice regarding this matter. Could you recommend a company to call for a third estimate and advice? Thank you for your help.

Thanks, Margot

Dear Margot,

Old brick chimney should be lined to reduce the size of the flue in order to exhaust natural gas flue gas. I would recommend a mid efficient gas furnace. Call Fera Heating 604-420-3473 and they will size your furnace and install a liner. Please ask for John.

It's just that easy.

Article courtesy of: Shell Busey

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March 12th, 2025