- Window Replacement


Dear Shell,

We are trying to decide whether we should invest the money in replacing our windows in our 30 year old home. It is very cold and the windows tend to grow mold on them in the winter. Where is the best place to start? We have called in a window company and received their estimate. We would like to know if we might be able to save money using a building contractor instead. If so, how do we find a reputable one?

Thanks, Kellie

Dear Kellie,

My recommendation is to sign up for the B.C. Gas Homeworks Energy Upgrade Program. This includes windows, draftproofing, insulation and ventilation. Please call our HouseSmart Renovations at 604-542-2236 and we will arrange for a House Smart energy analysis on your home. We have the contractor to do the project for you.

It's just that easy.

Article courtesy of: Shell Busey

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March 12th, 2025