- Painting a Metal Front Door


Dear Shell,

I would like to paint my metal front entrance door. I used nail polish remover to see if the paint comes off and it doesn't; therefore I have been told it is oil. I have been told to lightly sand it, wipe it down, let it dry and then I can use Bulls Eye 123 primer and the color I want in an Exterior Gloss Latex. Is this true or will it peel? Can I use a roller for the primer and a sponge roller for the Latex?


Dear Julie,

Here's what I would do:

Thoroughly wash the door using the Shell Busey Home Cleaning Formula and a scotchbrite pad.

Rinse it well and allow it to dry completely.

Apply two coats of Cloverdale Ecologic Acrylic latex paint with a foam roller or a nylon or polyester brush.

It's Just That Easy!

Article courtesy of: Shell Busey

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March 6th, 2025